- Client
Galicia é, segundo os autores da antigüidade, unha das primeiras sociedades matriarcais do mundo. AI-LALELO é unha homenaxe ás mulleres que ergueron o país e conseguiron manter a nosa tradición, lingua e cultura propias ata hoxe. Raíz e modernidade fúndense nun novo son, unha canción baseada nas típicas cantigas tradicionais galegas pero cunha pinga futurista grazas á intelixencia artificial e cunha mensaxe valiosa para as vindeiras xeracións: Soamente nós podemos conseguir que a nosa identidade como pobo siga viva.
Proxecto/Project: Ana María Prieto
Dirixido por/directed by: Joel Cava
Producido por/produced by: Juan Alonso, Sofía Oriana, Xandre Outeiro, David Santos, Marta Verde
Agradecementos/thanks to: Ana Codesido, Ángel Faraldo, Marcos García, Camille Hédouin (Mounqup), Carmen Magariños, Xavier Núñez, Mónica de Nut, Eva Outeiro, Xabier Sarasola, volaivai.com
Unha iniciativa de Cecubo Group
Costureira en primavera
botará-la sementeira
labrarás sen ter arado; ai si, ai non
nin máis outra ferramenta
A costureira no vranhe
camisa e saia cortou
inda se ía deitare
cando o sol alvoreou
Costureira polo outono
urdidoira polo vrán
pónsell’a cara morena
e as carnes como azafrán
A costureira no inverno
coa máquina a traballare,
á beiriña da lareira
vai frío, non é verdade?
Galicia is, according to ancient authors, one of the first matriarchal societies in the world. AI-LALELO is a tribute to the women who built the country and maintained our tradition, language and culture up to nowadays.
Roots and modernity merge into a new sound, a song based on the typical traditional Galician «Cantigas» but with a futuristic point thanks to AI techniques. With a powerful message for our next generations: We are the only ones capable of keeping our cultural identity alive.
Seamstress in spring
will sow the seed
will plow without a plough
nor another tool
The seamstress in summer
cuts a shirt and a skirt
She goes to rest
when it begins to get light
Seamstress in autumn
touched by the summer
she got tanned face
and saffron skin
The seamstress in winter
works with a sewing machine
next to the fireplace
it’s getting cold, isn’t it?
Lyrics generated with GPT-3 from a dataset of 454 traditional songs
Metallic rhythm sounds obtained with DDSP from traditional percussion instruments
Melodic lines obtained with Google Magenta, from Galician traditional tunes (cantigas)
Rhythmic variations from tradicional music generated with Google Magenta
Sound DDSP generated from hurdy-gurdy