- Client
Mappea Festival
- Launch project
Site-specific light installation for Mappea Festival. I had the pleasure to share space and team-work with Pfadfinderei, Gnomalab, Fran Perez Rus, and Tama.
The festival was located at the Arab Baths of Jaén, from the 10th century.
The installation was inspired by the feeling of the light in those areas. The influence of math and astronomical data on the arabic culture was the reason to use a fragment of the celestial vault at the specific time of the exhibition opening; cnc milled on a wood surface to recreate the past illusion of light corporeality.
Big thanks to:
Miga & Mappea Team Festival
Xandre Outeiro for the great music piece
Fab Lab IED for the CNC milling
Gnomalab for the help with Minimad setup